About Allison Kirschbaum
Allison Kirschbaum is a Digital Content Specialist with Veracity Insurance, contributing to the Insurance Canopy site. She is fully trained on Insurance Canopy’s products and is equipped to help small business owners navigate their insurance needs.
Before working at Veracity, Allison built and led SEO and content teams for organizations around the world, spanning a variety of industries and company sizes. Not content with marketing for just one niche industry, she freelanced her SEO writing and copywriting skills to the most unique, exclusive, hard-to-market products she could find, effectively optimizing rankings and generating leads across a plethora of sectors. She is noted for consistently achieving measurable results.
Outside of work, Allison is an avid Medieval weaponry buff who enjoys geeking out over ancient swords in her spare time and can always be found cooking up an adventurous new recipe, from coq au vin to pumpkin gnocchi, on the weekends.