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Bookkeeping Insurance

The Insurance Marketplace For Bookkeepers

Why Insurance Canopy for Bookkeeping Insurance?

We Work with A+ rated partners to help provide you with the best policies possible. Rest assured knowing you’re covered by the best.

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Protect Your Bookkeeping Business

Bookkeeping insurance protects bookkeepers against lawsuits, legal claims, and damages specific to the financial services industry such as:

  • Errors & Omissions – $25,000 included(higher limits available)
  • General Liability
  • Business Personal Property Coverage

Don’t let a simple error erase your financial resources. Pick your bookkeeping insurance coverage with Canopy.

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Why You Should Carry Bookkeeping Insurance

  • You may face some liability risks unique to bookkeepers such as errors and omissions
  • Liability insurance gives you a layer of defense against claims such as mistakes or negligence
  • Financial peace of mind
  • Ability to pay legal costs for defenses, even in cases where you were not negligent. For example, if your client contributed to the negligent action by failure to disclose

Choosing the Right Insurance is Key

You can't afford mishaps that could put you out of business or put your financial future at risk.

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