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Construction Insurance

Construction & Contractors Insurance Categories

Don’t see yourself listed? Don’t worry, our agents may still be able to tailor a policy specific to your needs.

Quickly Apply Online
Applying for Construction Insurance is simple using an online application process. You can review our coverage suggestions, submit personal and business information, review the quote, and proceed to payment details. We’ve worked on streamlining this process to help you save time and enjoy the peace of mind knowing that you can get coverage in a timely manner.
Get Coverage Tailored To Your Needs
We know that your needs are unique and we believe that your coverage should match those needs. Our policies will be tailored to fit the unique aspects of your business and allow you to make adjustments as your business changes.
Work With A Top Rated Provider
We’ve partnered with Hiscox, an A rated carrier, that has over 100 years of experience offering quality coverage for businesses of all types. They have a passion for service and are rated 4.8/5 for customer satisfaction with over 8,000 reviewers. This means that you will be in good hands in getting a quote or handling claims.
What Is Construction Insurance?

Construction Insurance is a combination of coverages designed to protect you against third-party claims that arise out of your business operations. As a construction professional, these coverages protect you against a variety of liabilities such as clients who claim that your finished work was unsatisfactory or clients who may have accidents that injure them in your office.

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