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Tax Preparer Insurance

Insurance Marketplace for Tax Preparers

Protect Your Tax Preperation Business

Tax preparer insurance protects tax preparers against lawsuits, legal claims, and damages specific to the financial services industry.
Our Partners
Hiscox logo.
Great American Insurance Group logo
The Hartford company logo

Protect Yourself From Risks

  • General Liability
  • Professional Liability available upon request
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Ensure The Future Of Your Business

Don’t let a simple error wipe your financial resources away. Pick your tax preparer insurance coverage with Insurance Canopy

Learn More About [Class] Insurance

Why should I carry Tax Preparer Insurance?

  • You may face some liability risks unique to tax preparers such as errors and omissions on tax filings
  • Liability insurance gives you a layer of defense against claims such as mistakes or negligence
  • Liability insurance gives you a layer of defense against claims such as bodily injury claims or property claims.
  • Financial peace of mind
  • Ability to pay legal costs for defenses, even in cases where you were not negligent. For example, if your client contributed to the negligent action by failure to disclose

Choosing the right insurance is critical.

You can’t afford gaps in your coverage that could put you out of business.
Someone writing on documents with a pen.

Tax Preparer Insurance

Prepare Yourself For Anything -Don’t get caught holding the bag for legal claims. Get insured today and build your business with confidence.

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