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13 House Cleaning Marketing Tips to Boost Your Business

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woman cleaning kitchen cabinets
You know that marketing plays a significant role in your house cleaning business. The question is, where do you start? With so many marketing techniques out there, it can be overwhelming and time-consuming to research. For that reason, we’ve broken down how to promote your cleaning business with 9 tips so you can reach more clients and get more business.

The Importance of House Cleaning Marketing

House cleaning marketing is crucial for attracting clients and achieving business growth in the cleaning industry. Effective promotion creates awareness about the house cleaning business’s services and their benefits, making potential customers take notice.
Marketing also sets the business apart from competitors by highlighting unique selling points, like top-notch service, reliability, and affordability. Consistent promotion increases the odds of gaining new clients and retaining existing ones, resulting in higher revenue and long-term success.

How to Advertise House Cleaning Services

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1. Develop a Comprehensive Marketing Plan

When launching or expanding your house cleaning business, your initial step should be to create a comprehensive marketing plan. Think of it as your strategic roadmap, guiding your business toward success. A well-thought-out house cleaning marketing plan serves as your blueprint, helping you define your business goals, pinpoint your target audience, and outline the strategies that connect you with potential clients.

More than just providing direction, a strong marketing plan on how to advertise house cleaning services keeps you organized and focused on your marketing efforts. It acts as your compass, navigating the landscape of marketing options, ensuring your resources and efforts are efficiently channeled. By charting your course through a marketing plan, you’re setting yourself up for better control over your business’s destiny and an increased chance of success.

2. Turn Your Car Into a Rolling Ad with Car Wraps

According to the Out of Home Advertising Association of America (OAAA), 98% of Americans indicated they notice vehicle advertisements. OAAA also claims that these ads reach more customers than any other form of advertising.

This type of advertising reaches local consumers. It doesn’t matter if your future customer is in the driver’s seat or on the passenger’s side, they can easily view your house cleaning marketing car wrap from various places such as at a stop sign, in freeway traffic, or parked at the grocery store. The nice thing about advertising your cleaning services using a car wrap advertisement is that it works for you 24/7, and your business gains significant brand exposure to potential customers.

If you are considering a car wrap as a method to promote your house cleaning business, you may want to include the following:

  • Company name
  • Phone number
  • Website
  • Social media handles
  • A short description of your services
woman at computer

3. Utilize Facebook Ads

Facebook paid advertisements are a great tool you can use for house cleaning marketing. With online ads, you can target potential customers by location and age. Even better, it’s more affordable than paying for a print ad in a magazine or newspaper! In contrast to purchasing a Facebook ad, depending on where you want to print your ad, an ad space can cost anywhere from $500 to $20,000 dollars—you might not even see a return for a long time.
Your Facebook ad could include the following:

  • A catchy header
  • An incentive (i.e. “Get 50% off your first cleaning”)
  • A persuasive call-to-action (i.e. “Call Us Today!”)

When you run your Facebook ad or ads, make sure that you keep up with the comments and reply quickly. Timing plays a huge role in how to advertise house cleaning businesses, as you don’t want to lose any potential customers to a more responsive competitor.

4. Show Off Your Certification

One house cleaning marketing tip to help you stand out from the competition is by getting certified. Give your cleaning business a competitive edge by showing your customers that you’re keeping up with industry changes and standards.
Here are a few certifications you can get through reputable associations:

  • International Sanitary Supply Association (ISSA): This association offers continuing education courses, marketing resources, and so much more!
  • Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC): They offer cleaning certifications, opportunities for further education, and members get a feature in the institute’s directory.

5. Establish a Referral Program

You work hard on your cleaning business to ensure your clients are happy with their clean homes. Don’t let this go to waste; establish a referral program. Ask your loyal and old-time customers to refer a friend if they enjoyed your cleaning service.

Adding an incentive when they complete the referral entices them to spread the word about your services to their friends and family. You can offer something small like a 10% discount or $10 off their next cleaning appointment for every person they refer (be sure to add a limit on how many people they can refer to your business). This is an easy way to promote your house cleaning business.

Woman writing on sticky notes on wall

6. Make It Personal

People would much rather work with a company that treats them as individuals instead of a number or money opportunity. Many customers enjoy knowing the story behind a business, as well as who’s in charge.

When you share what inspired you to start your house cleaning business or what kind of values run your business, you give future customers a deeper insight and connection to you as a person. On your website, use the ‘About Us’ page to share your story with your clients.

‘About Us’ Page Ideas

  • Company Story: “What inspired you to start your house cleaning business?” “What’s your story?” The answers to these questions can give you a good start. People love a good story, and they want to know who is running the show.
  • Values: “How do you stand out from the competition?” “What kinds of values run your business?” Customers want to know what values drive your company and why they should support it.

Are you stuck on how to tell your company’s story? If writing isn’t your forte, you may want to consider hiring a freelance writer through sites such as Fiverr or Upwork to help you with how to promote your house cleaning business.

7. Do Your Research

Depending on your area, you could be competing with several house cleaning companies. If this is the case, check out the competition and get a feel for any house cleaning marketing ideas they’re putting to use that could inspire some of your own. If there is a tactic that your competitor is using that could be modified to work for you, don’t be afraid to try it out!

Here are some ideas:

  • Check Social Media: Check your competitors’ social profiles like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Evaluate how often they are posting and what kind of content is featured (i.e. images, videos, or blogs). Like what you see? Come up with your own cleaning business marketing plans and content strategy for those platforms and see how they perform.
  • Skim Websites: Examine your competitor sites and see what methods and house cleaning marketing tips they’re using to advertise house cleaning services to potential customers. Whether they are posting customer reviews or a price list, you can incorporate these elements into your site if they’re missing and take your site to the next level.
  • Read Online Reviews: Sites like Yelp can show you what a competing business in your area can lack, and you can take advantage of it when improving your house cleaning marketing efforts. Common complaints include cleaning employees arriving late, not answering phone calls, and poor cleaning jobs. You may consider reviewing these complaints with your team and making sure they don’t fall short on any job. You can also take a look at reviews on Google to get a feel of what your competitors are lacking.

8. Harness the Power of SEO

In today’s fast-paced, digitally-driven world, online visibility isn’t merely advantageous; it’s essential. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can ensure your website climbs to the top of search engine rankings. Picture the benefits of your website prominently appearing when people search for house cleaning services in your area – that’s where SEO comes in.

Optimizing your website for search engines involves using relevant keywords, creating informative content that addresses potential clients’ questions, and ensuring your website is user-friendly, easy to navigate, and offers a seamless user experience.

In essence, SEO makes your website more appealing to search engines like Google, which, in turn, rewards your efforts with higher visibility in search results. This translates to more potential clients discovering your house cleaning business and subsequently reaching out for your services. In the competitive world of house cleaning, a strong SEO strategy can give you a significant edge by ensuring your business ranks among the top results when someone searches for your services.

9. Automate What You Can

It’s a common business practice to collect customers’ emails to engage with them and promote your business. Take your email marketing to the next level with a few basic automated emails throughout the year. With automation, you can simply schedule the emails you want to send and focus your house cleaning marketing efforts elsewhere.

Additionally, with the various information you want to tell your clients, you’ll have so many options for the kinds of emails you can send out and automate.

Types of Emails

  • Birthday Month Emails: Who doesn’t love getting a little discount on their birthday? Sending a birthday coupon with a small discount off a house cleaning service is a great way to drum up business and increase your sales.
  • Time-Sensitive Promotions: Is there a certain time of year when business is a little slow? Pinpoint the specific months and send out a time-sensitive promotion. Your customers would love to see that for one booked referral, they get a free half-bath cleaning.
  • Newsletters: Customers appreciate businesses that provide valuable information. Put together some cleaning tips and tricks along with any updates about your business and send it out in a quarterly newsletter.

We recommend doing your own research on automated email services to find a service that fits your needs. For starters, you can check out automated email sites like MailChimp or Sender.

10. Partner with Local Businesses

Building connections with local businesses can be a game-changer. It’s like creating a web of support within your community that can propel your house cleaning venture to new heights. These local business relationships can be incredibly powerful for your growth.

One prime example is partnering with local real estate agents. When properties are up for sale, they need to be presented at their very best, and this often involves a thorough cleaning. By collaborating with real estate agents, you can position your house cleaning services as an essential resource for clients preparing their homes for sale. This partnership opens up a whole new channel of potential clients, as real estate agents can recommend your services to homeowners who are actively seeking professional cleaning. It’s a mutually beneficial arrangement where you assist real estate agents in showcasing properties effectively, and they, in turn, become a valuable source of referrals for your business.

But don’t stop at real estate agents—explore connections with other local businesses in related fields like property management, interior design, or event planning. Each partnership you create can lead to opportunities where your cleaning services become an integral part of their offerings or recommendations. By nurturing this network of local alliances, you not only expand your clientele but also gain a network of advocates who can testify to the quality and reliability of your services, which is a potent asset in the competitive house cleaning industry.

commercial cleaning team holding supplies

11. Leverage Lead Generation Sites

In the world of online marketing, the key is to be where potential clients are searching. Registering on lead generation websites provides a direct pipeline to homeowners actively seeking cleaning services. These platforms have earned the trust of consumers looking for reliable service providers, making it easier to find leads and secure bookings. By listing your services on these platforms, you’re essentially casting a wider net, ensuring your house cleaning business is discoverable by a diverse range of clients.

Lead generation sites offer a vetted space for potential clients to explore their options, and by having a presence on them, you position your business to be considered by a larger pool of prospects. Additionally, these platforms often come with built-in features that facilitate the booking process, making it more convenient for clients to engage your services.

12. Network, Network, Network

Networking is one of the best house cleaning marketing tips you can use to boost your house cleaning business. You can increase your clientele, build professional relationships, and learn from seasoned professionals. So don’t be afraid to strike up a conversation and build those connections in settings like association meetings, events, or even online!

Ways To Network

  • Associations: Associations provide various resources to their members, such as online directories, marketing materials, and more. These types of resources may help you improve and scale your house cleaning business. Not to mention, you’ll meet many business owners along the way! Here’s an association related to the house cleaning industry.
  • Expos and Trade Shows: Business owners from the house cleaning industry come together to network, learn from seasoned professionals, and attend workshops. Expos are a great setting to meet with hundreds of people, exchange contact information, and build connections. Take a look at these yearly expos and trade shows that you could attend—one might just be in your area!

13. Build Your Credibility

With so many house cleaning businesses in the area, one way to market your house cleaning business and stand out from the competition is by insuring your business with house cleaning insurance. Learn how to market a house cleaning business with insurance right here!

Insurance Canopy provides affordable, A+ rated insurance for cleaning businesses like yours. You can fill out an application online today in ten minutes or less and add credibility to your house cleaning business by purchasing an insurance policy, giving you and your clients peace of mind.

House Cleaning Insurance…

  • Pegs you as a true professional
  • Can help you gain potential clients
  • Showcases your responsibility and trustworthiness

When you are insured with Insurance Canopy, you also have exclusive access to our online badge and can feature it on your site to display your proof of insurance. This badge shows your customers that they are working with a true professional. Plus, you can easily opt-in to our

FAQs About House Cleaning Business Insurance

House cleaning business insurance is a safety net for individuals or companies offering cleaning services to households. It includes different policies like general liability, workers’ compensation, and so on to shield against common risks and liabilities in the house cleaning industry.

Cleaning business insurance is a must for your house cleaning business because it provides financial and reputation protection if accidents, property damage, injuries, or legal claims occur. The main reason you need cleaning business insurance is that without it, you could be on the hook for these consequences, which can cause serious loss in your cleaning business.

House cleaning insurance from Insurance Canopy starts at $26.67 per month. However, the total monthly cost of insurance for your house cleaning business depends on factors like the type and amount of coverage you require, your business’s size, location, and the number of employees. To determine your specific cost, get a quote by completing your application today.

Grow Your House Cleaning Business with Insurance Canopy!

There you have it! While there’s so much more you can try out and implement, we hope these house cleaning marketing tips were helpful. Marketing is all about experimentation and figuring out which ideas work best for you. As you personalize your brand, do your research, and make connections, and as you put in the effort, you can rest easy knowing that your strategies on how to advertise house cleaning services have been boosted and that you now have a leg up on the competition.

Get covered today and kickstart a carefree tomorrow by filling up your house cleaning business insurance application! Request a quote now, and let us craft a policy that fits you like a glove.

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