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Common Insurance Claims in the Cleaning Industry

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Caution wet floor signage on wet pavement

Imagine this: Your team is diligently cleaning every corner, ensuring a spotless space. Everything is going smoothly until an unexpected accident happens. It could be a valuable item getting knocked over or someone slipping on a wet floor. Suddenly, you’re facing cleaner claims.

The cleaning industry covers many specialties and each of those specialties comes with its own set of liabilities and risks. Today, we will cover those that are most common across the whole industry, as well as those that are common among some of the top professions.

What is a Cleaner Claim?

A cleaning business insurance claim, or cleaner claim, is essentially a formal request made by a cleaning business to its insurance provider. It’s a way to seek financial compensation for losses or damages that are covered by the terms of their insurance policy. Unexpected events can and do happen—whether it’s an accident on the job, damage to a client’s property, or theft of business equipment. When these situations occur, a cleaning business can file a cleaner claim with their insurance company to cover the associated costs.

Filing a cleaner claim typically involves providing detailed documentation and evidence of the incident. This may include photographs, police reports, invoices, and any other relevant information that supports the claim. Once the claim is submitted and reviewed by the insurance provider, they will assess its validity and, if approved, provide financial reimbursement to the cleaning business. This reimbursement is designed to help the business mitigate the financial impact of the incident and continue its operations smoothly.

A cleaning business insurance claim is an essential mechanism for protecting cleaning businesses from the unexpected financial burdens that can result from accidents or incidents related to their services. Having the right insurance coverage in place is crucial, and filing a claim when necessary ensures that a business can continue to operate with financial security.

image of an insurance claim form

5 Common Insurance Claims

Understanding the common insurance claims and taking steps to prevent them, such as implementing safety measures, proper training, and effective communication, can help protect your cleaning business. So, here are five common cleaner claims that cleaning businesses often encounter.

1. Slip & Fall Injuries

As no surprise, one of the most common insurance claims across all cleaning industries is from slips or falls. Despite what you think, it’s not just the wet slippery floors causing this either! Cords from vacuums and other tripping hazards lead to a lot of accidents. But these simple falls aren’t that big of a deal, right?

Think again—many lawsuits pop up in the cleaning industry because of injuries sustained from these falls, slips, and trips. Medical bills can pile up fast and be an unforeseen financial burden to your company. If you aren’t prepared for a medical cleaner claim, it can put your whole business at risk.

How Can This Affect You?

First, by not properly placing signs or warnings in your working area, you can be held liable and responsible for injuries from these slips, trips, and falls. So always mark your work areas with proper signage, even if you are servicing areas after normal business hours to avoid these cleaner claims. If there are injuries, you can be stuck with medical bills and reimbursement for treatment for any third-party claim. Without insurance, is your business financially ready to take on those costs?

Train your employees and get into the habit of being observant during your work. Being aware of your surroundings and the people around you can help you prevent accidents and injuries on the job. Marking the areas can reduce the risk, with people being more aware of what’s happening. And always keep your insurance coverage up to date.

2. Property Damage

Crashing ladders, negative chemical reactions, and malfunctioning equipment can all contribute to damaging your client’s property. This affects all industries, from house cleaning staff to janitorial groups cleaning office spaces. Accidents happen, and while there is little in the way of prevention for such incidents, having insurance can help reduce the financial cost..

Each specialty has its own property damage risks based on the areas or products they use to clean.

How Does This Affect You?

Being aware of potential issues will go a long way to preventing accidents. Training your employees well and supervising them until they are fully trained is the best way to prevent accidents caused by your employees. However, neither of these will completely prevent accidents and cleaner claims.

Be aware of risks, do your best to prevent accidents, and work smart. Document your surroundings and be very thorough in your accident reports. Some common insurance claims won’t come in for weeks or months after, and you will need proper documentation to help fight or negotiate cleaner claims.

image of poisonous cleaning stuffs

3. Injuries Related to Hazardous Materials

It isn’t uncommon for a window cleaner to have a ladder crash through a window or for a carpet cleaner to have chemicals strip color from rugs. But are you aware of the risks that your equipment, cleaners, and services pose to your clients?

In the cleaning industry, injuries related to hazardous materials are a significant concern, and they can lead to various types of cleaner claims and liabilities. Here are some key points to consider.

  1. Chemical Exposure: Cleaning often involves the use of various chemicals to tackle tough stains and grime. These chemicals can be hazardous if not handled properly. Accidents or improper storage and labeling of these chemicals can lead to chemical exposure injuries for cleaning staff or clients.
  2. Biohazard Cleanup: Some cleaning tasks, especially in healthcare or crime scene cleaning, involve handling biohazardous materials like blood or other bodily fluids. If these materials are not properly managed or disposed of during a biohazard cleanup, they can pose significant health risks to cleaning staff.
  3. Client Liability: In cases where cleaning staff inadvertently damage a client’s property or possessions due to mishandling hazardous materials, it can result in liability claims against the cleaning business. These common insurance claims can lead to legal disputes and financial losses.

How Does This Affect Your Cleaning Business

Injuries related to hazardous materials can have a significant impact on your cleaning business in various ways.

  1. Financial Consequences: Injuries can result in medical expenses and potential worker’s compensation claims. These costs can strain your business’s finances and affect your profitability.
  2. Legal Liabilities: Mishandling hazardous materials can lead to legal liabilities and potential lawsuits. Defending against legal claims can be expensive, and it can damage your business’s reputation.
  3. Client Trust: Clients expect a high level of professionalism and safety when hiring cleaning services. Incidents involving hazardous materials can erode client trust, potentially leading to a loss of business.
  4. Employee Morale: Workplace injuries can negatively impact employee morale and well-being. This, in turn, can hinder productivity and job satisfaction among your cleaning staff.

To address these challenges, it’s essential to take proactive measures to mitigate the risks associated with hazardous materials. This includes providing proper training for your staff on handling hazardous materials safely, establishing effective safety protocols, and ensuring that you have the right insurance coverage.

Insurance, such as general liability and workers’ compensation insurance, can protect your business and employees in the event of cleaner claims related to hazardous materials. By focusing on safety, training, and risk management, you can safeguard your business, maintain client trust, and provide a safe and secure work environment for your cleaning staff.

4. Lost Keys

Clients trust you with master keys to access their building and property. Another one of the most common issues that cleaning professionals face is losing a client’s key. The cost to rekey a building or reset electronic keys or badges is quite an expensive process.

Keeping all client keys secured and properly stowed is the first step to preventing a lost key. If you do find yourself in a situation where you have lost a client’skeys, the best thing to do is report the incident to your clientquickly to ensure that no theft happens as a result of your business. Call your insurance provider to discuss if this cost will be covered under your plan.

Can This Affect You?

You can be held liable for the cost to rekey or badge a building and the staff. If you are with an insurance carrier that does not provide coverage in the event of this type of cleaning business insurance claim, you might want to shop for other policies. Filing a cleaner claim for this cost is much easier than shouldering that financial responsibility alone.

5. Employee Theft

Employee dishonesty claims are at the top of the list for all cleaning professions. This is because you and/or your staff are moving about in people’s homes, offices, or business spaces without supervision. Theft of a business’ equipment or a client’s personal belongings can cost your cleaning company hundreds or thousands of dollars. Depending on the item stolen or missing, you may want to review your liability options.

How Can This Affect You?

Claims may require you to carry additional insurance or a janitorial bond. Find a company that provides you with general liability and a bond to give yourself the best protection against these types of claims. At Insurance Canopy, you can purchase a bond starting at $134/year.

image of top 5 common insurance claims for cleaners
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How to Avoid Financial Risks

1. Liability Insurance

One of the best ways to combat these common insurance claims is to carry insurance for your cleaning business! Will it stop the cleaner claims from happening? No. But it reduces the risk that you assume and can help protect your business’s financial assets.

Liability insurance steps in to cover accidents, damages, or injuries that might happen during your cleaning services. This valuable coverage shields you and your business from possible lawsuits and financial setbacks resulting from accidents or damages during your cleaning work. It also reassures your clients because they know they’re safeguarded in case of unexpected incidents.

With liability insurance in place, you can concentrate on delivering top-notch cleaning services without the worry of legal or financial issues looming over you. From a brand new business to an established cleaning company, finding the right coverage is important. If you have questions about how much coverage you need or what is right for you, contact our support team!

2. Bonds

As we mentioned, employee dishonesty claims are at the top of the list of cleaner claims for cleaning businesses. To combat this, many people are looking for cleaning bonds to give their customers peace of mind. Bonds can also help you score contracts that require your cleaning business to be bonded.

Learn more about the bond offered by Insurance Canopy, and purchase it today along with your general liability coverage.

3. Equipment Upkeep

One of the best ways to prevent cleaner claims from happening at all is to keep your equipment maintained. Start today to make it a habit to check your equipment and supplies after each job or require your employees to do the same thing.

Knowing about a frayed power cord or a malfunctioning rotary floor machine will prevent you from causing damage and allow you time to fix it. We understand that your equipment is your business, and without those tools, you can’t get your job done.

You also have the option to add inland marine insurance to your policy. This gives you coverage for your tools, equipment, and supplies that make it possible to get the job done even if you are traveling to jobs. Coverage starts at just $3.33/month for our basic coverage and goes to $5.00/month for our highest level of coverage. Find the level that is right for your equipment or tools!

Check this out for more tips on how to prevent accidents in the cleaning workplace.

When a Claim Is Filed Against Your Cleaning Business

When a claim rears its head in your cleaning business, you’ve got to move fast to safeguard your interests. Start by collecting all the relevant docs and details, such as contracts and receipts. It’s like building your case.

After that, give your insurance provider a buzz and let them in on the situation. They’re the pros when it comes to dealing with cleaner claims, so they’ll be your guiding star. You might also want to consult with a legal professional who specializes in business, and liability matters to help you navigate the legal side of things.

Lastly, keep the channels of communication open with the customer or the party that filed the claim. Staying professional and showing some empathy can go a long way in resolving the issue and keeping your cleaning business’s reputation untarnished.

FAQs About Cleaning Business Insurance and Common Cleaner Claims

How Does Insurance Support Cleaning Business Owners When Dealing With Common Insurance Claims?

Cleaning business insurance serves as a vital safety net for cleaning business owners. In the event of a claim, insurance steps in to cover expenses tied to property damage, medical bills for those injured, legal costs in cases of liability claims, and even the replacement of damaged or stolen items. It ensures that the financial burden isn’t solely shouldered by the business owner.

What Insurance Policies Are Advisable for Cleaning Businesses?

Cleaning businesses should consider multiple insurance policies, including:

General Liability Insurance: This covers third-party claims related to bodily injury, property damage, and issues like advertising or personal injury.

  • Workers’ Compensation Insurance: It provides coverage for employee injuries, ensuring they receive medical treatment and compensation for lost wages.
  • Commercial Property Insurance: This safeguards business property, such as cleaning equipment and supplies, from damage or loss due to events like fires, theft, or other covered incidents.
  • Professional Liability Insurance (Errors and Omissions): This can protect against claims of negligence or errors in your cleaning services.
Coverage Details

Maximum Cleaning Liability Insurance Limits

The most your policy will pay in a 12-month policy period for bodily injury and property damage claims that you become legally obligated to pay due to your business services.


The maximum amount your policy will pay in a 12-month period for bodily injury and property damage claims that result from the products you use to perform your services. However, it does not cover products that are sold, or distributed.


The maximum your policy will pay for a bodily injury or property damage claim that you become legally obligated to pay due to your business services.


The amount that your policy will pay for claims arising out of one or more of the following offenses:

  • False arrest, detention or imprisonment
  • Malicious prosecution
  • Wrongful eviction or wrongful entry
  • Oral or written publications that slander or libels a person or organization
  • Oral or written publication or material that violates a person’s right of privacy
  • The use of another’s advertising idea in your advertisement


Applies to damage by fire to premises rented to the insured and to damage regardless of cause to premises (including contents) occupied by the insured for 7 days or less.


A general liability coverage that reimburses others, without regard to the insured’s liability, for medical or funeral expenses incurred by such persons as a result of bodily injury or death sustained by accident under the conditions specified in the policy.


Optional Coverage Options

Tools & Equipment Coverage

Limits / Occurrence / Aggregate










Can Insurance Play a Role in Safeguarding My Cleaning Business’s Reputation When a Claim Occurs?

Absolutely, insurance can act as a safeguard for your reputation. By promptly and professionally addressing cleaner claims with the right coverage, you demonstrate your commitment to resolving issues. This can help preserve trust with your clients and uphold your business’s image.

Effectively managing common insurance claims in the cleaning business industry is a crucial element of ensuring your business’s ongoing success. Having a grasp of common insurance claims and how insurance can provide support is a proactive measure in securing your financial stability and peace of mind.

If you have questions or concerns about liability claims affecting your janitorial, maid, or other cleaning business, you can check out our affordable insurance coverage options starting at $26.67/month.

Navigate Cleaner Claims with Insurance Canopy—Get Covered Today!

By understanding the risks and proactively managing your insurance strategy, you’re taking vital steps to safeguard your cleaning business’s financial stability and reputation. It’s time to put your knowledge into action!

Insurance Canopy specializes in crafting insurance solutions that fit your business’s specific needs, whether you’re a small cleaning operation or a larger enterprise. Complete your cleaning business insurance application now to get a free quote and explore how Insurance Canopy can be your trusted partner in dealing with common cleaner claims and more. Safeguard your peace of mind today!

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