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How to Set Up EZ-Renew on Your Insurance Canopy Cleaning Policy

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Insurance Canopy provides A+ rated, affordable cleaning insurance for small businesses. If you’re already a policyholder at Insurance Canopy, we want to make sure you don’t ever have a gap in your coverage. We do this by offering EZ-Renew.

EZ-Renew makes it so your policy automatically renews each year, so you don’t have to worry about updating your coverage yourself!

With EZ-Renew, you also save time because you won’t need to fill out an online application each time you need to renew your cleaning insurance policy. If you opt out of EZ-Renew but would like coverage for an additional year, you would need to start from scratch and fill out an application again. With EZ-Renew, you fill out one application and it renews from there. If you opt out of EZ-Renew and would like to turn it back on, just follow these simple steps:

  1. Log in to your Insurance Canopy dashboard
  2. Click “My policies” in the Manage Policies section
  3. Scroll to the very bottom and click “Enroll Now” with the EZ-Renew section
  4. Fill out your information then click “Submit” at the bottom

With these four simple steps, your policy is ready to renew each year without you having to do anything else.

We hope this quick article was helpful for you to follow step-by-step instructions, in case you ever need to turn on EZ-Renew. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to our licensed insurance agents.

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