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8 Housekeeping Tips For Your Spring Cleaning

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man holding bucket of cleaning supplies

Spring is just about here and that means it’s time for spring cleaning! Spring cleaning doesn’t have to be overwhelming—we’re here to break it down for you with eight tips to make it easier for you. Whether you use these tips to clean your clients’ houses or to clean your own, these tips are sure to benefit you in some way.


Before starting your cleaning, you need to know what needs to be cleaned. Make categories of all the tasks you have to accomplish. This can include dusting, vacuuming, bathroom cleaning, etc. Whatever it is that needs to be done, lay it all out in categories so you can clearly see what you need to do.


Oftentimes we think that we should choose one day of the week and do all our cleaning on that day. If you don’t want to spend every Saturday cleaning all day, then this one’s for you. Using your category list, you can specify what you’d like to do on which day. Maybe you make Tuesday laundry day. Perhaps you clean your bathroom on Thursdays.

You should also consider how often each category needs done. Some things to consider: how often will you change your sheets? How often will you clean your oven? What about your baseboards? Having it all organized will prevent headaches when you’re trying to get your space clean.


We all have differing levels of organizations, but let’s face it, being organized makes life so much easier. We understand you have your personal preferences when it comes to organization, but we’ll lend a few suggestions.

Two words: Lazy Susan—the circular tool that spins in your cupboard. This is a great organizer to get your spices or small appliances looking nice. Lazy Susans are also becoming popular to use in refrigerators to organize condiments, jams, jars, etc. Lazy Susans offer great accessibility for your kitchen items and the ability to see everything you have, without making a mess of your cupboard. Airtight containers are another great tool to organize your flour, sugar, beans, oats and more. Having a clean and organized pantry and fridge makes all the difference for your kitchen.


If you intend on your spring cleaning taking longer than a week, take a moment at the beginning of your spring cleaning to layout what you need to do to keep your home or office organized and clean. Similar to specifying days for tasks, if there’s something that doesn’t need done each week, like cleaning your dishwasher or throwing out the expired food from your fridge, put that on your list. For your office, this could include cleaning out your desk drawers or organizing your files. This step is important so that you don’t forget about the not-so-common tasks that need to be done.


Get creative and make your own cleaners! This is a great option if you’re looking to save some money, and be more sustainable. Believe it or not, it’s easier than you think. You can make a lot of cleaners with only a few ingredients. One of the most popular homemade cleaners is an all purpose cleaner, with just four ingredients. Other cleaners that you can make at home to save money on are glass cleaner, grease cleaner, and clothing stain remover. Check out this link for a full list with the ingredients to make your own cleaners at home.


This step is simple, but still important. Establishing a storage place is a good step to avoid frustration, so you always know where your cleaning supplies are. Have a set place to store your cleaners, rags, vacuum, and any other cleaning supplies you use. This could include establishing or setting aside a closet, a few shelves, or an area in your laundry room.


It’s not a bad idea to stock up on cleaning supplies for a couple of months at a time. This can help you be ready for any cleaning, so that you don’t have to rush to the store to clean your bathroom, or postpone your cleaning day. These items can include glass cleaner, laundry detergent, lint rollers, or anything else to help you stay clean and organized. It may take a bit to figure out what you like and what you don’t like, but once you’ve got it figured out, it makes cleaning much easier. Find the products you like that do a good job and that smell nice.


We’ve all heard this one, but it makes all the difference to start your day with a completed task. Making your bed requires minimal effort, but changes the entire ambiance of your bedroom. It decreases the look of clutter and brightens your room. And the good news is that a study by the National Sleep Foundation found that people who made their beds in the morning were nearly 20% more likely to report having a good night’s sleep than those who didn’t.

There you have it! Eight simple steps to help you with your spring cleaning. You’ll be amazed by the results of keeping your home or office clean and organized. To learn more about insurance policies for house cleaning businesses, take a look at Insurance Canopy’s website.

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