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Insurance Canopy Partners With New Carrier To Provide Affordable Lawn Care Insurance

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Insurance Canopy is pleased to announce that it has partnered with a new insurance carrier—Great American—to provide high quality Lawn Care Insurance at a more affordable price. Effective immediately, all Insurance Canopy policies purchased after April 1, 2021 will now be backed through Great American Insurance Group.

“By partnering with Great American, we will be providing even better coverage options for our clients at a much more affordable rate than before,” explained Ryan Muir, one of Insurance Canopy’s licensed insurance agents. “We are thrilled to work with a carrier that not only allows us to provide different coverage options to our clients, but also different payment plans so they can choose a plan that meets their needs without breaking the bank.”

With Insurance Canopy, lawn care companies can now receive up to $1 million in Lawn Care Insurance coverage for as low as $337 a year. Alternatively, monthly payments are now also available for as low as $28.08 a month. For those companies that require it, more coverage may be included for an additional price.

Lawn care companies that purchased their coverage prior to April 1 will still receive the coverage they paid for and will continue to be backed by Insurance Canopy’s previous carrier, Mid Continent, until their policy expires. Upon expiration, these companies may opt to renew their coverage with the additional options and rates provided by Great American.

Learn More About Lawn Care Insurance

Lawn Care Insurance Can Financially Protect Your Business

Every business has risk, and lawn care companies are no exception. As a lawn care professional, you face a unique set of risks every day that, without insurance, could cause serious financial harm to your business. With the right insurance coverage, lawn care professionals like you can financially protect themselves in case their business is ever involved in an accident.

Some of the most common risks lawn care companies face are bodily injury and property damage accidents. For example, let’s say you’re mowing a client’s lawn when their mower suddenly throws a rock that hits your client’s child in the face, causing a severe injury that requires immediate medical attention.

These kinds of events occur more often than you’d think, and even though it was an accident, in this example, you could be held liable to pay thousands of dollars in medical bills, legal fees, and more. Without Lawn Care Insurance, you would have to pay those hefty expenses out of pocket, which could cripple your business financially.

Insurance creates a financial safety net that can mitigate the amount of out-of-pocket expenses businesses are required to pay should a client ever seek compensation for an accident.

Get Covered Today with Insurance Canopy

With Great American, the cost of Insurance Canopy’s Lawn Care Insurance is more affordable than ever. For as low as $337 a year, lawn care business owners can protect their companies from many of the unique risks associated with the lawn care industry with up to $1 million in liability insurance coverage.

With a quick and easy online application that takes less than ten minutes to complete, you can provide yourself with peace of mind knowing that you have the protection your business needs when you need it the most.

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