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Safety Tips For Companies With Lawn Care Business Insurance

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lawn care business working on yard
As a small business owner, getting your lawn care service covered with insurance is a necessity. Lawn care business insurance can protect you from paying hefty out-of-pocket costs if an insurance claim were ever sent your way. While insurance is great at providing a financial safety net for your business, what it can’t do is reduce the chance of insurance claims occurring. For that, you need to look at your own business and how you perform your daily operations. Although it isn’t possible to entirely eliminate the risk your lawn care business has—accidents can still happen, after all—there are a handful of things you can do to make your operations as safe as possible. By doing so, you can potentially reduce the chance of an insurance claim being sent your way. Let’s take a look at the kind of risk your company has and how—with or without lawn care business insurance—you can improve the safety of your business.


Because of the nature of lawn care, lawn care services like yours almost always have risk. In the insurance world, risk is defined as the chance of an unexpected accident occurring. In the lawn care industry, accidents can be injuries—either to yourself, an employee, or even a customer—and damage done to a customer’s property. When an accident happens, either during or as a result of your lawn care service, your business could be held legally responsible to pay for it. Bodily injury and property damage claims are among the most common a lawn care business can receive, and, without insurance, can be financially devastating. That’s why it’s always a good idea to get lawn care business insurance. That said, there are some things you can do, whether to have insurance or not, that can potentially lower the risk of your business operations.


Improving the safety of your lawn care business is a great goal. Not only can improved safety help prevent accidents, therefore reducing the risk of insurance claims and financial strain, it also improves the quality of your business—creating happier employees and establishing credibility amongst customers. Here are just a few ideas that, whether you have lawn care business insurance or not, can improve the safety of your business operations.

1. Inspect and maintain your tools frequently

Poorly maintained or broken equipment can lead to injuries and property damage. You can help prevent accidents by routinely inspecting the tools of your trade. If you notice any problems with your equipment, don’t continue to use them. Instead, get them repaired, or, if necessary, purchase a replacement. Repairing or replacing equipment may seem like a pain, but compared to the money you would spend without lawn care business insurance if an accident takes place, it’s definitely worth the cost.

2. Train yourself and your employees in the proper use of equipment

One of the leading causes of injury for lawn care businesses is improper use of equipment. When you misuse a tool, you run the risk of hurting someone or causing property damage. As the business owner, you should invest time into learning and teaching your employees exactly how to use each of your tools—even the tools that seem self-explanatory. This can help prevent accidents which, whether you have lawn care business insurance or not, can protect your business from insurance claims.

3. Wear proper personal protection equipment

The simple act of wearing protective gear like safety glasses, gloves, work boots and other similar items while performing your business operation can many times be enough to prevent an accident from occurring. Safety equipment also has the added benefit of creating professional appearance, which—along with presenting a certificate of lawn care business insurance—can work wonders when establishing credibility with your customers.

4. Inspect your worksite before starting

You can mediate the risk of accidents occuring during your business operations by creating a safe environment before getting to work. When you arrive at a customer’s property, take time to inspect the area. Remove or mark hazardous objects that could cause injury or property damage, like loose rocks or sprinkler heads. It may help to go over the property with your customer so they can point out key areas that you might otherwise miss.

5. Maintain a safe work environment

You can keep yourself and your customers safe from injury by creating and maintaining a safe work environment while on the job. You can create a safer work environment by returning unused equipment and ensuring that cords don’t create a tripping hazard. You can also keep people safe by being mindful of how close you are to others, asking your customers to keep themselves and their pets at a safe distance while you work.


By following the tips listed above, you can make your lawn care business safer by taking preventative measures against accidents taking place during or as a result your lawn care service. However, even though improved business safety can reduce the chance of accidents, it can’t keep them from ever happening. That’s why it’s necessary to make sure your business is covered with insurance. Insurance Canopy can provide your small business with top of the line lawn care business insurance at an affordable price. In just minutes you can get an accurate quote based on your business’ needs, so you can rest easy knowing you have a financial safety net that doesn’t break the bank.

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