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Why You Need Musicians Insurance

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microphone on stage
Musicians perform in all kinds of venues, outdoor and indoor. While you are on stage performing a great show, you may not think about the need for musicians insurance. You aren’t the type of band member that crowd dives or tells everyone to form a mosh pit. So what could go wrong? What’s the worry?
What Could Go Wrong?
Here’s a simple example, imagine you’re jamming out and an audience member reaches the stage, grabs a cord from one of the speakers, and pulls the whole thing down. Those things are heavy and could really hurt someone. If that happened while you were performing then you could be held liable for any damages. If the speaker fell on someone’s arm and it resulted in a break, you could be held responsible and have to pay their hospital bills. The person who was injured might take you to court to argue for even more money for their damages. The best case scenario here would be that you aren’t found responsible in court, but you may still have to pay expensive attorney fees.
Protecting Your Music
As a musician you want to exercise your creativity both melodically and lyrically. If you write a song about someone with a negative tone and perform it, you could be sued for slander. Even if you did nothing wrong the legal fees would add up quickly. With musicians insurance from Insurance Canopy, you could be covered up to $1 million dollars with personal and advertising injury coverage.
Venue Coverage
If you decide to hold your own event and need to rent a venue, there are various risks associated with performing at the venue. One common risk is that of a fire, if your lights or anyone in attendance starts one, you could be held responsible. That means paying for any damage, which could bankrupt the average musician. With damage to premises rented coverage from Insurance Canopy you could be covered up to $300,000. Many venues require their performers to carry insurance. The venues have good reason, too, because if something goes wrong and a lawsuit is brought against you, the musician, the venue may also be sued.
Whether you’re a cash-strapped startup musician or an established name in your community, every dollar matters in keeping you in the black, especially if you are only doing a few shows a year. Insurance Canopy is one of the most affordable insurance options out there and you can get liability coverage instantly online starting at $59 for up to 3 days. Get ahead of the curve by making sure you’re covered for every show you play. Without insurance, the consequences could leave you to pay tens of thousands of dollars in damages and legal fees.


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