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Do I Need Dance Instructor Insurance?

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dance instructor helping with pose

From ballet and contemporary to Latin and ballroom, dance has proven to be a pretty dangerous sport. With everyone’s arms and legs moving all at once in confined spaces, it makes sense that injuries in dance have been on the rise. Did you know that, as a dance teacher, you can be held liable for causing an injury to a student? If you’re teaching out of a rented space or in a gym, then you could also be held liable for property damage if it ever occurred.

With dance instructor insurance, or dance teacher insurance, you’ll be protected with the needed coverage. You might not be aware of who needs this policy or why, so today we’ll give you some info on how you can benefit from dance instructor insurance.


Most dance teachers who teach one-on-one or online or in-person group lessons need dance instructor insurance. If you’re working out of your own studio then you’ll want the additional professional and general liability insurance protection that this insurance offers. If you’re working out of someone else’s studio or out of a larger gym, then you’ll likely be required to show proof of this insurance before you can start teaching classes.

Insurance Canopy can provide coverage to the following types of dance teachers:

  • Ballet Teachers
  • Salsa Teachers
  • Ballroom Dance Teachers
  • Contemporary Dance Teachers
  • And More!


Dance Instructor Insurance provides you with professional and general liability insurance for your dance teaching operations. Professional liability insurance can provide you with coverage against third-party claims that your instruction caused someone bodily injury. General liability insurance protects you against property damage that you could potentially cause in a rented studio space.


Just like with most insurance policies, you don’t really look forward to the time you would need your insurance. Insurance is there to offer protection and be a safety net when needed. Dance instructor insurance could protect you against third-party claims that your dance instruction caused a student injury or damage that you caused to a space in which you teach dance

Here’s an example for when you would be grateful to be covered; say you’re teaching a ballet class full of seven and eight year olds. Your students are practicing their pirouettes per your instruction and someone falls. A child breaks their ankle and their parent sues you for negligence. Could you handle the cost and time required for a lawsuit on your own? With dance instructor insurance, you’d have the professional liability insurance that could cover this claim.


Dance instructor insurance from Insurance Canopy starts at just $159 a year. You can buy a policy online in less than 10 minutes and have access to your proof of insurance documents 24/7.

Your business is important and you need to make sure you’re insured against worst case scenarios. To learn more about dance instructor insurance or buy a policy visit us here.


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Dance Instructor Insurance

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Dance Instructor Insurance

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