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Four Ways Yoga Teachers Can Market Their Business

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Marketing your yoga business doesn’t need to break your bank. There are many tools you can use to show off your personal brand, set yourself apart from the competition with yoga insurance, and advertise your business.

Showcasing your business on social media, creating an informative website, and offering discounts are a great and inexpensive way to drum up business. Having yoga insurance coverage can also be used as a marketing tool because it pegs you as a true professional.

Check out these affordable, yet effective ways that you can market your business.

Social Media

One way to market yourself to potential clients is to have a dedicated Instagram or Youtube channel to showcase your techniques and poses. When it comes to social media, people tend to resonate with authenticity. Don’t be afraid to showcase your personality while doing what you love at the same time.

Launch a Website

There are quite a few tools that can help you build out a website, like WordPress and SquareSpace. You can use this platform as a go-to for your class schedule, pricing, and your yoga background. Have fun with your website and add pictures from your yoga classes.

Make sure you have your clients complete a photo release before posting anything online.


If you are just starting your yoga business or if you’ve been running your business for awhile, promotions are always a great way to create some buzz around your brand.

You can create coupons for a discounted session or discounted yoga packages. This is a great way to bring in new customers or incentivize previous customers to sign up for private yoga sessions.

Yoga Teacher Insurance

One way you can set yourself apart is with your yoga insurance policy. Having professional liability coverage, shows your clients that you’ve invested in your business and therefore, will invest in them.

Our yoga teacher insurance policies start at $159 per year. Learn more about yoga insurance or contact us if you have any questions.

Have you tried any of these marketing tactics to market your yoga business? Let us know what you’ve tried that’s worked for you in the comments and help out a fellow yogi by referring them to us for yoga insurance.

Personal Trainer Insurance starting at $159/year.

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