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3 Things Every Small Business Should Know About Product Liability Insurance

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Every small business has it’s firsts. Making your first sale, hitting your first goal, and receiving your first liability claim. While insurance may not be the most exciting thing, it is one of the most important factors in your business model. Product liability insurance can provide financial security from costly claims—but what exactly does it mean for small businesses? Here are three ways your business can benefit from having product liability insurance.


Even with the most rigorous testing, mistakes can still occur and accidents can happen. In the case of an incident, product liability insurance can cover claims of:
  • Bodily injury or death
  • Property damage
  • Failure to provide warnings
Not all product liability insurance plans are created equal. We know insurance is not cheap, and when it comes to running your own business, every penny counts. Cheap product liability insurance does not always equal comprehensive coverage. At Insurance Canopy, we don’t believe you have to sacrifice quality for cost. We work hard to provide you with top-rated plans at an affordable price. Your business deserves a policy that is uniquely designed to fit your needs. We help you personalize your protection so you only have to pay for the coverages you need. Looking to calculate your costs? Submit a quote today for your free product liability insurance rate. Products on shelves are secure with product liability insurance.


One product liability claim can impact anyone involved in the production process, including:
  • Manufacturers
  • Importers
  • Wholesalers
  • Retailers
  • Distributors
A single claim could cost you thousands in out-of-pocket expenses, as well as damage your reputation, halt production, or lead to recalls. This can also ruin relationships you’ve built with customers, other businesses, and those who help produce and transport your products. Those are losses you may never recover from, and they can impact your revenue for years to come.


As a business owner, you are responsible for ensuring the safety of your products. While all products run the risk of causing bodily injury or property damage, Insurance Canopy offers protection for many types of consumer and industrial products. Some of these products are:
  • Beauty and cosmetic products
  • Cannabis products, both CBD topical and ingestible products
  • Cleaning products
  • E-cigarette and vape products
  • Grocery and food products
  • Health and household products
  • Home office equipment
  • Medical devices
  • Nutraceuticals, vitamins, and supplements
  • Pet supplies
  • Sporting equipment manufacturing
Does your product not fit these categories? We may still be able to help. With over a decade of helping small businesses access niche coverages, it is possible our talented agents can tailor a policy specific to your product. Give us a call at 888.600.0894. A woman looks through a store filled with products which are insured by beauty product liability insurance and product liability insurance.


Product liability insurance is an invaluable investment you can make today that will help prevent you from facing costly claims alone tomorrow. Just as you take pride in owning your own business, Insurance Canopy takes pride in insuring small businesses like yours. Let us help you stay protected.

Looking to create a custom coverage plan for your small business? Apply for a product insurance quote today!

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Product Liability Insurance

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