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What You Need To Know About General Property Insurance Right Now

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post it note with an insured checklist

You have a vision of how you want your office space to look. You might have the opportunity to pick out the office chairs, desks, and other materials to create the ideal space. Making your office look the way you imagined is only half the battle, though. Have you thought about how general property insurance comes into play? Property insurance can provide coverage for fire, theft, vandalism, an entire collapse, explosion, and smoke.

Did you know 85% fires at commercial buildings are due to human error and property damages caused by fires cost $10 billion annually? Make sure your office isn’t a part of the statistic. It’s hard to predict when the next worst case scenario will occur, but you can be prepared for the outcome with property insurance.

Here are some ways you may be able to prevent a fire:

  • Declutter– Clutter can contribute to fires by providing fuel.
  • Assign Designated Smoking Areas – Smoke only in designated areas, and safely extinguish
  • Purchase Fire Extinguishers – Maintain the appropriate number and learn how to properly use a fire extinguisher.
  • Emergency Exits – Make sure you post an emergency exit plan and communicate that plan to your employees.

Whether you run a large operation or you’re just getting started, the best thing you can do for your business is to protect it. There is only so much you can do on your part to prevent incidents, like fires, from happening at your place of business.

Property Insurance Highlights

When you sign up for property insurance through us, we are able to offer the following to our customers:

  • Admitted & Non-Admitted Carriers
  • In-House Underwriters
  • Low Minimum Premiums
  • Coverage Available in Most States
  • Wide Variety of Classes Available
  • Property Enhancement Endorsements Available

Learn about some frequently asked questions below.

What does property insurance cover?

Property insurance coverage protects the following:

  • Buildings
  • Business Personal Property
  • Business Income and Extra Expense
  • Contractor Equipment
Do I need to own the property in order to receive coverage?

No, that’s what makes it great! We offer property insurance coverage for those who rent or own their property.

What do you cover within the property?

We offer property coverage for inventory, furniture, fixtures, and equipment.

You might be thinking that you don’t have time to fill out paperwork at an insurance office. We agree. That’s why we made it easy for our customers to fill out an application online and receive a quote in 24–48 hours. Every business is different and we are here to help you decide which option would work best for you.


All policies have conditions, limitations, and exclusions; please read the policy for exact verbiage. Claim scenario circumstances vary in nature and similar claims do not guarantee coverage.

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