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Beauty Product Insurance: Why It Matters

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three shades of lipstick

Did you know the global cosmetics industry is on track to hit $400 billion by 2026? It’s no surprise that this industry is booming! Millions of people care about their appearance and use beauty products to look their best.

From skin care products to makeup products, there are a variety of options to choose from and a lot to try out. While there can be money made within the industry, you as a business owner also take risks that can lead to legal action. What if a customer experienced a serious skin rash from a beauty product you manufactured, distributed, or sold?

With Beauty Product Insurance, you can have coverage in place for your assets and peace of mind. Let’s jump in and give you an overview of what insurance can do for your business.

A woman applies makeup in a mirror.


You got into the beauty industry to help people look and feel good about themselves. Perhaps your products use organic ingredients or infuse CBD oil. Regardless of what makes your product unique, it’s important to understand that your product could cause injuries and hurt your customers.

Your customers may sustain the following:

  • Permanent or temporary physical trauma
  • Loss of eyesight or other senses
  • Emotional trauma after use
  • And more

Sure, you set up a very well-thought out risk management plan to prevent these things from happening and it’s great to be proactive. The risks are still out there, though, and something could go wrong. Every business is at risk of facing a lawsuit (no matter how big or small).

For example, Dove is facing a class-action lawsuit over misleading claims stating the product is natural and how it naturally moisturizes the skin when in reality, it contains synthetic ingredients that can cause negative skin reactions.


Beauty Product Insurance is designed to respond to third-party bodily injury and property claims stemming from product defects (i.e. manufacturing, design, or mislabeling defect). Let’s say you are found liable and need to pay for the damages. The legal costs could be in the thousands and very stressful to deal with on your own.

By carrying insurance, you have a financial safety net and coverage that could respond to those claims. Plus, coverage can help you gain peace of mind and help you manage your business with confidence. Instead of worrying about what can go wrong, you can focus on building your business and taking it to new levels.


At Insurance Canopy, we understand that every business is unique and may need additional coverages, such as product recall and excess liability. Our team has over a decade of experience and can assist in building a policy that fits your exact needs.

Our licensed agents can also help you with fulfilling retail contract requirements, such as Walmart, Whole Foods, and Amazon, and walk you through the process.

We offer an online application that takes minutes to fill out! You can choose from a monthly payment option starting at $99 or an annual payment option. After you submit your payment, you will receive a digital insurance certificate and your online portal. If you ever need to update your Beauty Product Insurance policy or file a claim, it can be done online!

Cosmetic cream on a table with a towel, a candle, and some flowers.


Whether you’re in the business of creating, distributing, or selling beauty products, there’s a chance of something failing in the process and legal action being taken against you. It’s better to be safe than sorry. We hope you’ll consider Insurance Canopy for Beauty Product Insurance. If you have any questions, you can online or over the phone.

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Beauty Product Liability Insurance

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Beauty Product Liability Insurance

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