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DJ Marketing Ideas for the Holidays

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people at a concert raising their hands in the crowd

With the holidays quickly approaching, you need to think about all the events and venues you can be playing so you can expand your reach as a DJ. At Insurance Canopy, we provide DJs with event and annual insurance, but we also care about the success of your business.

Today we’ll share a few DJ marketing ideas for the holiday season so you can play more shows!

Be Consistent

No matter what you choose to do, make sure you are consistent with advertising during the holidays. Whether you are posting on your social media platforms daily, visiting venues regularly to network with venue owners and other DJs, etc., do it with consistency. Over time, you will see the results you desire.

Focus on One Big Idea

When deciding how to advertise during the holidays, think about one big idea you can focus on throughout the season. Don’t overwhelm yourself with countless small ideas. As you focus on one big idea, you can hone all your energy and attention so one thing can become great. Perhaps you have tried different marketing strategies in the past that have proven effective—choose one of those and focus on it during the month of December. If you need new ideas, we’ve got you covered.

Network with Other DJs

Networking with other DJs and experts in the industry is always a good idea. They may even be willing to share their DJ marketing tactics that have worked for them with you. Other DJs in the area may be overbooked with their events during the holiday season and they could refer you to play the show instead. Stay updated with local DJ Facebook groups so you can hear local DJ news, events, and more.

Make Holiday-Themed Songs

One fun thing you can do is to make holiday-themed songs. These songs will help you be a unique DJ and stand out from the crowd. This one may take a bit more time, so make sure it’s planned out and you have the material ready for the coming holiday season. Write and record holiday songs your fans will love, and you can use this as a marketing tool throughout the season.

Offer Festive Merch

Another DJ marketing idea for the holiday season is to create festive merch. You can create these merchandise items with your DJ branding on it, like your logo, and also some festive designs. You can sell t-shirts, hoodies, beanies, and more. If you want to go the extra mile, you can even brand festive merch like Santa hats, mugs, stockings, and Christmas cards. Take advantage of this time to market your merch and yourself as a DJ. You can sell these to family and friends and make them available to everyone at the shows you play at. This offers your fans something festive that is unique to you!

Rest for the Holidays

If you feel like you would rather focus your energy on preparing for next year, you may consider taking a break during the holiday season. Use this time to make sure you have everything in place for the new year, like planning upcoming schedules, creating new music, and updating or repairing any equipment. Take advantage of this free time to have some down time, see family, travel, or work on your DJ business plan for next year. You can also make sure your DJ insurance is up to date, so you don’t have any gaps in coverage.

Get Creative!

We hope this blog was helpful in getting your brain churning with DJ holiday marketing ideas! Be consistent with anything you choose, select one big marketing tactic and focus on that, and try out new things—like holiday-themed songs, festive merch, etc. Happy holidays!

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