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Making The Most Of Your Yoga Instruction: Filming Tips

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view of womans hands practicing yoga

filming yoga at home

The demand for at-home yoga workouts is higher than ever with the majority of Americans still trying their best to follow stay-at-home guidelines per the Center for Disease Control (CDC). You may or may not be back in your yoga studio teaching classes, depending on the state you’re in, and like us, trying to make the most of the situation at hand. It’s difficult to know what the future holds for group workout classes and the like, but one thing you can do is continue doing your job as a yoga instructor to the best of your ability.

If you’ve been recording or Zooming your yoga classes for the past few months you might be looking for ways to make things easier on yourself or better for your students, and hey maybe the tips we give do both! Today we want to give you a few helpful tips for how to improve your filming and your professionalism as a yoga instructor. Plus, we’ll tell you about the greatest asset you could have–yoga insurance.

Here’s how you can improve your filming.


Are you the type of yoga teacher who’s been explaining and speaking during your flow? You should consider doing a voice over for your yoga session. You already have a mic and a camera, voice overs just require an additional step. This article explains how to do the best voice overs without any fancy tools, just use your smartphone. With this method, you’ll be able to be at peace during your session and really think about the flow you’re working through.


When you don’t have to worry about talking through the yoga instruction, you have time to focus on your flow. Do you ever feel like you’re not 100% into your session because you have to worry about having great form, explaining how students may be doing it wrong, and just not being able to be fully present in your flow? By focusing on the vinyasa and implementing the use of voice overs, your sessions will impress and make your students really put in the effort.


Preparing for a yoga session, filming it, recording the voice over, combining the footage, and sending it off to your students isn’t easy. You’ve gone from in-studio yoga teacher to YouTuber in less than a year and that’s pretty impressive. Don’t be afraid to ask for help setting up, sending links, or editing anything you put together. You’ll be more at ease knowing you can get everything done.


And last but not least, don’t forget about your yoga insurance. As a yoga teacher, whether you’re teaching in a studio, at home, or online, you need yoga insurance in place as a safety net for any potential lawsuits. Just one and you could be on the hook for thousands in out-of-pocket damages. Yoga insurance is a professional liability insurance policy which means it is designed to protect against lawsuits that arise out of students getting harmed as a result of your professional instruction. To learn more or purchase a policy visit our website. Our policy is completely online and you can be insured in less than 10 minutes.

What are you waiting for? Get insured today.

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