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How To Find And Keep A Great Staff For Your Cleaning Business

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woman wearing a mask holding cleaning supplies

Owning a cleaning business is no easy task. Chances are, there are several cleaning businesses in your area, which increases your competition. And if you’re on the lookout for solid employees that will stick around, you’ll need to do some grunt work. Hiring employees for a cleaning business is one thing, but treating them well so that they stick around is another. We’ll cover both of these topics so that you can have a stellar cleaning staff.


Deciding how to advertise and get the word out that your hiring is up to you. You can create flyers using Canva to post around town like at grocery stores, community centers, and local food truck roundups. You can also create Facebook ads so that the open position can be seen online by thousands. If you run a social media account for your business, like Instagram or LinkedIn, you can post on those accounts to generate visibility. You can also post on job sites, like Indeed and Glassdoor.

Not only will you need to advertise, but you will need to decide what kind of person you want to hire. Look for employees who are trustworthy, hardworking, reliable, and hopefully have some cleaning experience. If you put these qualities on the job description, you will be able to attract the type of employee that you’re looking for to join your cleaning business.


Not sure your new potential employee will be a good fit? Before hiring them full-time, you can do a week-long trial run with them to see their work ethic and what type of employee they’ll be. This may not work for your business, depending on costs, but it may be a worthwhile thing to try out. On average, it requires $700–$900 to train new employees. However, if you do a week-long trial run before hiring full-time, you have the opportunity to see if they will be the right fit for the job, which could save you more money in the long run.


As important it is for you to hire trustworthy employees, it’s equally as important that their employer, you, is trustworthy as well. Having insurance boosts credibility and enhances trustworthiness. Insurance Canopy provides affordable, top-notch insurance for cleaning professionals like you.

Whether you own a window cleaning business, a janitorial business, a carpet cleaning business, or another type of cleaning business, Insurance Canopy has got you covered! Take a look at our online application today that can be filled out in ten minutes or less. Don’t hesitate to reach out to our licensed insurance agents with any questions you may have.


It goes without saying, but you need to treat your employees well if you want them to stick around. This is more than just making sure they get paid at a fair rate. You should make it clear that your employees have opportunities for promotions and pay increases. Offering benefits to your employees, when possible, is a great idea. If they can work for you knowing that they can get health insurance, paid days off, and other benefits, they will want to stick with you for the long run.

We know that your small company may not be able to offer them all of the benefits that your employees may need, but try to do whatever your business can afford. It’s also not a bad idea to have employee appreciation days so that they have a set apart day to know how much you appreciate them and their hard work.


Finding and maintaining a great cleaning staff is not easy, but if you follow the outlined steps above, you’re sure to succeed! Advertise effectively, do trial runs, purchase insurance, and treat your employees well with benefits and they will want to stick around. Best wishes with hiring employees for your cleaning business!

Related: Cleaning Businesses: How to Show Value to Your Customers This Summer

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